a lot to think about here, I am familiar with all these processes, and have spend years reconciling, with life, and experience, my own, others too. I spend a great deal of time concerned about the suffering in the world, the people who are having a really horrible time, and I want to reach out and correct it, save them from the really bad things that I think just cannot be a choice a Spiritual being made.. You made me think, could I be projecting out into the world, something with in me that wants to be rescued. very cool!

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It is all a quandary at times 🙏🏻

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Jun 14Liked by Angela Morris

I'm pretty sure that your wise words are what our hearts have been longing for. You are what was needed and what was missing from the truth movement. Thank you.

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Thank you. I'm grateful your heart felt the message I was trying to convey and for taking time to read and comment.

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Jun 14Liked by Angela Morris

Glory Be, Yes! - Real understanding comes through the heart of us! It's wonderful to have the intellect, but the heart knows what the intellect doesn't hear, see or realize - and never will.We can feel, touch, hear the soft whispers within our Heart, the whispers of the Truth. And it's true, the world we see is all going on within this Self we are - yes indeed.

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yes! <3

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Rumi and Tabriz favored a spiritual friendship, which creates a balance.

Peace and Health.

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You say so beautifully here what I attempt to say, myself. But your language is gentler even though the truths are hard. The Fourth Noble Truth and Eightfold Path speaks of this with the following steps, "Right Understanding, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration."

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Most humans are just seeking validation for half-baked thoughts, unassimilated ideas, illogical concepts, or just fallacies. Rare in today’s world are those who not only can stay in the disciplinary company of a Master, but even seek a Master at all. Most contrarians gain their “insights” just by opposing the ideas of others actually grounded in wisdom, while then relying on those they oppose for any new information. It gets old after a while. Those who want to be a truth seeker should apply a more inquisitive attitude, not an oppositional one (the cup is already full). Some are not here seeking the truth alone, they are here to teach it. Living from a state of constant speculation or blindly agree to washed-out philosophies is not the way of a Master. Again, “I am so humble, I know nothing. That means you don’t know anything either”. Its just an easy way for those without deep knowledge or experience to try and chop everyone down to their level. When I approach the Master, I do it knowing I came to him to learn, not debate, not to prove a point, not to share my experience as relevant to his experience, not to compete, not to consistently oppose him. That is not the proper attitude of a devotee, student or disciple. Those who want peers that all agree they know nothing and just share theoretical experiences without any basis are a dime-a-dozen. Those who want answers are true seekers. Those who just want validation are not.

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