👉 👉 👉 THIS ... "Authenticity and self-responsibility go together like bread and butter. The more we show up without compromising ourselves, walking the earth with the self-awareness and inner-knowing that everything is connected, that I have both a responsibility to explore my own purpose and creative gifts, live within the bounds of natural law and that there are consequences for every action AND inaction, then the concept of high-vibe starts to look a whole lot different than its shiny portrayal in happy quotes."

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Thanks Sol! :)

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My pleasure. This is a really great article.

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Jul 20Liked by Angela Morris

Awesome 🤩 thank you so much.

Just wonderful x

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Thanks Paola

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I am in the Joshua tree area. There are some wonderful gorgeous artistic mystical souls out here. And then…there are the rest. The tourist mystics. Cashing in on over priced retreats for out of town folks. I have had some not so great interactions with other tarot readers out here that own stores or show up at “psychic fairs”, bad intentions or energy. It’s a symptom of the area we are in. It’s ok. I just don’t engage and hope they have a nice visit. Just not my thing, I’m good with my little corner of intuitive people on Substack.

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I know what you mean. I've definitely witnessed similar.....This corner is the best corner. :)

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Yes. I have found a tribe. Glad I found your stack!

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Why do the fake good vibes people never seem to have a sense of humor?

Because they are very much in that new-age woke cultish brain/mindset … it amazes how much of things that are spiritual-new-age whatever you want to call it anymore now aligns with all of the woke agendas…there is no sense of humor found in that world (though I think this could even be said for anything on either end of the extremes these days)! (My opinion obviously 😂🤪) a lot think they are above so much and so aware but actually just brainwashed by the system they align with ( this goes for both left, right, religious and not ..)and touting the same BS to those who follow them.. creating a perpetual cycle of nonsense ..

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You said it right! The spiritual community where I live were the first to mask and vax...I was like oh, so you don't actually believe in the healing modality you are selling since you are promoting two contradicting things... cognitive dissonance on display.

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Yesss!!! I feel like that happened everywhere and it was all over social accounts too .. to be honest my mind was blown… but also showed how many just follow and don’t think … weeded out who is truly aware and who isn’t 😂… also not saying I’m more above than anyone else either but I’m sure u get what I am saying w this

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I know exactly what you mean!

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Jul 13Liked by Angela Morris

This is one of the most compelling pieces I have seen on ‘vibes’ - challenging questions, vital answers.

Very well done, Angela… 🫡

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Thank you brevity truth vibe maestro

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'By only ever seeking the positive, or “high-vibe” you gaslight yourself, stifling growth and enabling abandonment in times of need.'

Exactly, Angela. By doing so we're being disingenuous to ourselves and neglecting our needs at the time. It's very much counterproductive.

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Yes Raveen. I should have added prolonging too.

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I really appreciate you writing about this Angela as this has been an issue for quite some time.. I suppose that there will always be people who try to fake their way through life thinking that it is just as good. Doing this kind of work is not easy and it would seem natural for many people to try to find a shortcut. Unfortunately this doesn’t work with this kind of deep connective work or any high level work for that matter.

I personally really get triggered by this new term “woke” and feel like it was invented to counter the real enlightened seeking culture, almost as if to discourage new people from wanting to really learn about themselves

It’s so easy for the inflated ego to just assume it knows everything in this lifetime and has nothing left to learn. At that point, everyone else who isn’t “on that level” just gets cast aside because these people put themselves on a pedestal and cast everyone else out.

It does make me sad but I know it’s also their responsibility to be able to sift through all the bs and really figure it out for themselves

I hope that for the plants vibration that they do

Thanks for writing about this important topic 🙌🏻

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Hi Nick. I really appreciate this thoughtful comment. Indeed, the woke terminology does seem to discourage awakening like many useful terms that somehow become corrupted from the greater meaning and/or intent. Some things you just can't fake til you make. I personally miss childhood when if you're sad, your friend puts their arm around you and says hey let's take a walk around the block. In these days, adults could use some of that wisdom from children. Returning to a state of compassion requires facing reality and a lot of these "only positive thoughts" stem from grandiose thinking and a distorted fantastical holier than though hopium. I certainly don't have the answers, the more I know the more I know how much I don't know, but I wrote about this because many are hurt by the continuous gaslighting it creates. In the current state of ever-present extremes, there has to be middle ground sought if we're ever going to find some homeostasis, a return to harmonizing with the seasons of nature. And yes, the plants and animals.....there's a natural high-vibe that needs us to remember what matters most. :)

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YES!!!!! 👏👏👏👏🙌

Forced positivity is denial in disguise 🥸

If people are justifying their fakeness using Hawkins, they totally missed what he was teaching 😂

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YES sister!! 🔥

You speak so beautifully to what motivated my idea of POST post modern- the new era of authenticity.

I truly believe we are living in the most exciting time of mask-burning.

Let the fucking constructs and falsities collapse so we can stand and exist in what's left...in what's real.

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Heck yeah sister! I'm with you! Here here!

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What a party we will have!!

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