So cool: "Grá is the Irish word for love, thus, inside gratitude and thanksgiving we are being given a hint to the importance of love. If we can hold love, appreciation, and be grateful for not just who we are, what we have, who we love and who loves us, but also for the challenges that made us, the pain that shaped us and the suffering that taught us joy, then we’re getting closer to embodying what the word gratitude truly means."
Angela, so enjoyed your uplifting words! Because you mentioned both gratitude and Buffalo 🦬, I remembered my favorite story of The White Buffalo Calf Woman. Your post inspired me to finally make my first post. THANK U 🙏 !
You also have bison? I've never seen a bison not fenced in who could charge towards a storm properly in my life, they are all fenced in. Are we talking about Chicken shit and Romanticizing buffalo here? They could also be driven of a cliff to death in a great stampede. Trying to keep this place from being a big shitty love in.
So cool: "Grá is the Irish word for love, thus, inside gratitude and thanksgiving we are being given a hint to the importance of love. If we can hold love, appreciation, and be grateful for not just who we are, what we have, who we love and who loves us, but also for the challenges that made us, the pain that shaped us and the suffering that taught us joy, then we’re getting closer to embodying what the word gratitude truly means."
Angela, so enjoyed your uplifting words! Because you mentioned both gratitude and Buffalo 🦬, I remembered my favorite story of The White Buffalo Calf Woman. Your post inspired me to finally make my first post. THANK U 🙏 !
Thank you so much and this brings me so much joy to hear you were inspired to make your first post, Congratulations!!!! <3
Lovely 🌻🌟
Thanks Xena
You also have bison? I've never seen a bison not fenced in who could charge towards a storm properly in my life, they are all fenced in. Are we talking about Chicken shit and Romanticizing buffalo here? They could also be driven of a cliff to death in a great stampede. Trying to keep this place from being a big shitty love in.
Awe well. It was the best they could do 😜