Aug 15Liked by Angela Morris

This is an achingly beautiful piece, Angela. I have the same experiences as you. Life and death is in your face when you live in nature. All my peacocks, peahens, ducks, chickens, pigs, dogs…the ones who’ve left this world…may they rest in peace. They brought me such joy and taught me to understand their world rather than trying to make them understand mine. Vast expansion takes place when one surrenders to nature’s ways.

Thank you so much for the reminder. Your writing is evocative and beautiful! 😍

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Thank you so much. I feel what you said, we must strive to connect with them not fit them in our box of what we think they should do or be...I'm humbled by their wisdom. <3

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This was such a moving piece Angela. Thank you. I learned so much about nature just from reading. It’s amazing what you’ve been able to set up where you live, such a freeing place to be in. You can really feel the oneness.

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Thanks Nick. It’s been one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done in more ways than one, yet life changing.

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Aug 15Liked by Angela Morris

This was so beautiful and heart nourishing. Your ducks are fabulous!!! I live in London and spend a lot of time talking to the ducks, the geeesies, the sea gulls, and the swans…I call them my avian ancestors, and they are my true friends. Thank you for this beautiful ode to life here in Earth. I could have restacked every paragraph ☺️

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Thank you Solarah, that means so much to me. Ah yes our avian ancestors are here to help us remember our magic so we can soar....I have a jar of feathers from doves, chickens, vultures, ducks and am saving them up to make something with them, I don't know what yet, but when they leave them for me I treasure them.

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Aug 15Liked by Angela Morris

I love it! I do the same. I bunch them together and use them in ritual to “clear the air.” So precious are these gifts of feathers they leave. I’ve been waiting for years to get a swan one, and was exhilarated when I got my first one from a crow. The birds have told me what I needed to know to get free. So love meeting other people who get this 🙏🏾✨✨✨

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I get it!!!! They do speak to us. There are white cranes and white egrets that stop by the pond in the neighboring field often and I love watching them, they are so beautiful.

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Aug 19Liked by Angela Morris

Love this! I live in high desert nature. The other morning I opened my front door turned on my fountain where I usually leave the door open to get fresh morning air and right in front of me was a young rattle snake. Let’s just say I know my snakes. I closed the door, watched it through a window and 20 minutes later it slithered away. My first encounter with a rattler on my property of over 10 years. After a thorough inspection of my courtyard, I left the door open and went on to enjoy my morning. I love the high desert, it’s peaceful, enchanting and teaming with desert plants and creatures. Every year when 6-8 inch centipedes are crawling about, I’m visited by a couple road runners that run along the top of my wall surrounding my property hop down and with every swoop is a swallow. After about two weeks the roadrunners leave and I am centipede free. I have to watch for coyotes, mountain lions and bob cats when I’m hiking with my pups. I’ll spot an occasional coyote, have seen bobcats on my next door neighbor’s property but have not actually seen a mountain lion, however, I know they can be around. I absolutely love the juxtaposition of beauty, peace and quiet with the occasional horrific sounds of a rabbit getting torn apart, a stark reminder I live in the wild. The coyotes howling sometimes at night can send chills down my spine. But when I look up at the clear sky and see millions of stars and constellations, I feel blessed I am completely surrounded by God’s creations.

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"Humans forget the ways…nature does not."

Definitely... And they keep us in shocks over and over so we don't react properly to the things that we should be aware and act upon.


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yep, I read your substack, great reminders for sure. I'm familiar with those studies and all the fun mind control, shock and control...gaslight....on to the next.....if only people would turn off the noose...I mean news.

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Thanks I needed that.

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Welcome. :)

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She always takes my breath away then brings life into me.The artist forever unknown

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oh that's lovely Allan, thank you. <3

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You’re welcome Angela.Love your writing too

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What an absolutely wonderful post! So much emotion behind it it made tears well up in my eyes. My sister lives the farm life, and has away with animals it's almost uncanny. She's the country mouse, I'm the city mouse who envies her life. I had to share this one with her. ❤️

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Oh thank you, that means so much to me and thanks for sharing with your sister. I love animals so much. Nothing has touched my heart nor changed my life as much. Gratitude. <3

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Wonderful piece! So fun raising animals. I had sheep 🐑, pigs 🐖, rabbits 🐇, chickens 🐓 and cats 🐈 on a 5 acre farm.

“The simple reality is that our planet is a single living organism, as much as our bodies are.” — Thom Hartmann

The UNIverse is alive.

All the things in nature are together in one place.

Each thing is moved by nature’s pattern.

Signals give direction.

The whole divides in to parts. 🧬

The parts move around and in and out of each other.

Like water flowing in rivers 💦 and oceans 🌊 and changing into vapor 💨 and snow ⛄️❄️and ice 🧊.

The water flows in and out of creatures 🐿️ and plants 🌱.

Every part is circulating, round and round. 💫☄️🪐⛈️🦠🧬🌪️

Things unFold 🌱 then enFold 🍂 .

Everything in the UNIverse fits 🧩 because each part belongs to the ONE whole cosmic song 🎻 and dance 💃🏻.

when we use the word nature, we imply a sense of existence.

All that exists.

Thus, even space comes in that ambit. More so, I would argue all that exists and has existed is part of nature. Some people would frown upon my understanding that even robots are a part of nature. Simply put, robots are man mande, made up of elements that exist in nature. Man himself is a product of natural evolution. All that we see, and all that has existed before us and all that wil after us will be natural. Thus, I believe simply picturising lush green trees when the word Nature is spoken, is an illusion and not the truth.

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i like -The city offers comfort, ease, time for pleasantries…I do miss it and can appreciate it, but we’ve gone too far off the cliff as a society and grown desensitized, cold, made normal things that are cruel and immoral…forgotten The Way. The move towards Artifical Intelligence can never replace Natural Wisdom.

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Thanks Artemis Forest Fairy! Nice to see a forest fairy over here in the comments. :)

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Wonderful Angels, I relate so much to you, because I live on a farm too. We lost one of our farm dog to coyotes a few years ago. 😞 Country living teaches you about the cycle of life. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life. I’ll share this with a photo of Hobo Charlie, who came with the ranch.

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oh I'd love to see Hobo Charlie! it's tough trying to get all the predators in check, yet understanding it's instinctual and everyone is doing their thing.

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Thank you @Angela Morris, I just shared your post with his pic. It’s part of natural cycle of life I accept. Whenever a kitty doesn’t return, I cringe with sadness, but sacrifices are made to continue the beautiful system.

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