Well done!!! I think the idea of modern society to have the grand purpose of saving humanity was generated by a clever person working for a marketing agency. It's a great sales slogan and it has sold a lot of tickets embarking on a foolish quest with no destination.

Also, I 100% agree with you about labels. I also say they're temporary pieces of cloth - some elaborate costumes and others smaller attachments that wear.

Great article!!

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I couldn't agree more Penny. So many things "sound good" and appeal to a deeper subconscious emotion, then gets swooped up by the masses as "the way it must be." Appreciate your insightful comment. :)

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I enjoyed this! There is so much focus out there on 'finding your purpose', 'living your purpose'. It's a bit daunting and a lot of pressure! But here, in the moment, there's purpose and meaning to be lived.

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Thanks Nina! The moment (and our connection with it) is all we ever have...I'm glad you stopped by to share a moment in time with me.

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Purpose- To avoid doing all the things you don't resonate with, regardless of others opinions and "pushing", subject to change on a whim.

A professional cat snuggler......


Sounds good to me!

Where do I sign up? 😂

Like the cat, just Be, with snuggling when available...👍

"Get a haircut, and get a real job"

I won't quote Mr Robot, but really.....FFS.

Most people's jobs don't actually achieve much nowadays, paper shuffling and bullying others, apart from keeping us all miserable and tired.

Gurus - Propaganda pushers for the Indoctrination of wanton slaves using guilt and emotional blackmail, it's all been done and built already.......

To worry about not being something your not, is ridiculous.

Laughing at this conundrum, is living "your best life".

In a society where we "spray the air" "electromagnetise ourselves""eat and drink toxins""self censor free thought" "pay for shelter""worship and trust buffoons""learn theories never proven"

Why worry, drink anyone?



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Yepper-roo! Don't listen to all those fools, just yourself, you do you! Propaganda Pushers are the norm for sure. Cat snuggles are the most useful and prodctive way to spend time I am convinced.

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Apr 23Liked by Angela Morris

My purpose right now is to read this article and leave a comment. In service to both me and you. Nailed it! 😝 All kidding aside, good words Angela. I too am a student of the irrational and the absurd, it is a field of endless study and surprises. Life is weird and I find deep meaning in that.

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Great comment...indeed, indeed!!! Welcome kindred spirit. The strange is what makes it so damn awesome!

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Apr 23Liked by Angela Morris

Thank you!

We're all in the same game, on different levels, fighting different devils.

I believe that if we stick with love and tolerance, no matter what, stay true to our God given compass and help when we can, all the while enjoying our life in appreciation and gratitude that that is a real accomplishment and our true purpose.

Let it shine!! 🙌🌸

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Yes , how fast we forget the signifigance in overcoming the daily drudge in an alchemization process towards gratitude as a much more profound purpose for living!

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Apr 23Liked by Angela Morris

Yes. And it's always in the little things.. that either make our life miserable or give us joy.

Depending at what and how we chose to look.

Perspective and awareness.

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Agreed! :)

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You swiped my hat! ;)

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Ha, I see your profile looks like you are wearing the same! Cheers to the Hat Club!

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Live life on purpose, and with purpose. Let that purpose change and shift with the seasons of life as they come. Ride the wave and learn to let go.

Love it all. Even when it hurts.

❤️👻 Great read Angela, thank you.

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Agree completely, "love it all, even when it hurts."

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Especially then. Talk about making memories that last ❤️

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Loved the idea of being free and claiming purpose on our own pace (if it exists, of course).😁

Great writing by the way, Friend.

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Thanks so much!

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Apr 21Liked by Angela Morris

I really like this. Today I did smile at everyone at the grocery. I even asked the cashier how her day was going. Your essay helps me slow down and see it as enough- just that was what I needed to give/ be today.😊

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<3 Smiling is magick.

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Maybe one's purpose is to simply experience life.

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Absolutely!!! <3

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I love this!! I truly believe our purpose changes, like mentioned in the article, day by day.. some days my purpose is to be full on mom mode, some days when I am stuck in bed with a migraine my purpose is to rest and heal, some days I’m more focused on my bigger “mission” through my writing. But here is the thing, even though I know what I am being called to, to teach and guide on (ironically it’s about intuition) it’s not the end all be all for *my* life purpose! As we grow and evolve I believe our purpose does to! And that is the beauty of our lives…and why I think our intuitive nudges are so important because they might not always lead us to something that make sense .. but it could be what we need.

Hope that ramble made sense! Very much enjoyed discovering your work this morning 🤍

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Thank you so much Jennifer. I agree with you completely! I wrote this because I know so many feel frustrated because the fake influencer world makes it seem like people should have some grand thing all figured out and that's just not true. And yes, those nudges can seem "irrational" yet are part of our inner guide.

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Apr 22Liked by Angela Morris

I remember reading an article a friend sent me, it was about an author who said that his only purpose in life seemed to be looking after stray cats. And that he felt that it gave his life meaning.

Snuggling with my young Mau is always purrfect. 😻

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I feel you on that Joyce. My animals give me so much, I only hope they feel the love in return. Our greatest teachers most days. <3 Mau is a cute name!

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Apr 22Liked by Angela Morris

Oh trust me, Angela, your cats do feel the love, it makes them thrive. A cat who doesn’t love you will keep a certain distance.

I can understand the confusion, but his name is not Mau, that’s his breed.

I’ve got one Arabian Mau, a rescue of nearly 11 years old… he’s my ‘old Mau’, the other is an Arabian Omani Mau, a rescue of about 2-1/2 years old, my ‘young Mau’.

They’re both FIV+. The Arabian Mau has been recognised as a breed but mine are the natural Mau as they evolved on the Arabian Peninsula during a thousand years without human intervention.

The reason I don’t use their names is that I’ve used it in stories and that gets confusing.

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Oh sorry about that, I don't know that breed, so I just learned something new, thanks! I have rescues too. I had a 3 legged cat for 17 years, now I have a goofy little floof, a lazy one missing a tooth and a one eyed pirate cat. They are precious. Where's the cat lady section on substack, LOL!

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Apr 22Liked by Angela Morris

Actually, there’s also a Bengal-mix girl and also a very handicapped girl, both rescues. The handicapped girl is at a sanctuary because of double incontinence.

Your little crew must be adorable, and so precious. Well, we’d turn this substack into a YT type with cat videos, if there would be a cat section LOL

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Ah, grasshopper… you are finally starting to see through the haze of motivational film flam.

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Hello, yes, I have for some time. There is always a balance when the pendulum swings, forced versus intrinsic.

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Being determined implies a determination! But that is funny. As long as one remains Determined, one has the determination.

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deletedJun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Angela Morris
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Thanks, Thaissa!

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deletedApr 25Liked by Angela Morris
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Thank you :)

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