May 18Liked by Angela Morris

I think this needs to be read far and wide. A wake-up call.

Without FB, Insta and the likes I’m already regarded as archaic. Don’t watch tv (it’s in a room without cable connection), skipped the ‘news’ papers (just one good magazine) and don’t follow any fad. I do meditate when the cats are asleep. And try to communicate with my friends all over the world.

But if there’s one thing that would bring me back to earth should I digress, it’s the presence of my cats. They are my first concern.

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Me too! Everything comes back to cats, they keep me grounded, in the present moment, remind me to stay joyful and curious, it's all about them and I'm here for it.... :)

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May 18Liked by Angela Morris

They absolutely do. Too much time elsewhere and at least one pair of eyes will look at me. They’re the best de-stressers I could think of.

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And birds too. 🕊🦜

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New Age Spiriturality came out of the 1960s generation looking to have a form of transcendence but not from traditional religions, so they looked to Eastern Religions. Today, it is similar but with Transhumanism, which is really just New Age wrapped in digital language, such as bio-hacking. People and corporations seized on it as a way to enrich themselves.

I agree; the best thing anyone can do is look up from your phone, meet with real people and get out into the natural world to hear the birds. Nothing beats a physical presence.

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So well said about seizing the language of the agenda for personal enrichment....the easy way, the hackers way!

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Great article! I have a 'hacker' inside that just wants to figure things out, make rules for my happiness and health, be better, achieve something etc.. And then there's my 'flakey', nature-loving feminine that just wants to be guided by the wind.

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ah yes and in the middle of it all is you! I think the belief we need to always be figuring something out is the key to unlocking the flow and allowing the mystery to live in its place. <3

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May 18Liked by Angela Morris

Looking up from your phone is the best hack! Couldn’t agree more. And stop saying ‘hack’ for the love of god😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏 so good. Thank you Angela for speaking the things a lot of us are thinking.

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:) Welcome. (i mean looking up from the phone might save the world, it's always the little things yet we make mountains out of molehills)

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May 19Liked by Angela Morris


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May 18Liked by Angela Morris

So bright and beautiful! A big yes to all that! Here's to removing the basket placed over the Light of Life that we are! No buckets, no lists required to live the untamed beauty of our soul - to rediscover the One we are here to find & to delight in.

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May 18·edited May 18Author

<3 Yes, untamed, curious, delightful.....it's all there if we just pick the sleepy muck from our eyes.

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