Wow. Maybe your best piece yet. Eminently quotable: "The illusion of safety married with the fear of death is the ultimate sales technique for swaying you the wrong way."
What a wonderful piece! I strongly identify with this whole message. It was actually this thinking process that helped me climb out of depression and see the world in a different light.
Sometimes a shift in perception is all we need to unlock the next chapter! Highly recommend checking this out y’all!.
Wow. Maybe your best piece yet. Eminently quotable: "The illusion of safety married with the fear of death is the ultimate sales technique for swaying you the wrong way."
Thanks Sol! :)
What a wonderful piece! I strongly identify with this whole message. It was actually this thinking process that helped me climb out of depression and see the world in a different light.
Sometimes a shift in perception is all we need to unlock the next chapter! Highly recommend checking this out y’all!.
Thank you Angela, this is a fantastic read!
Thanks so much Nick. When I do hard things, well, it's hard....but damn it's invigorating, meaningful, rewarding and pushes me to be a better human.