The whole world wants an easy button.
It wants convenience.
It wants sweet little lies.
It wants to be comforted.
It wants to feel good.
It wants an idyllic fantasy of happiness.
Truthfully, life is hard, there is a reason this desire for ease lives in us, the longing to be free of the burdens of modern society in order to be able to create, play, and find joy in life. The balancing act of keeping the inner child alive combined with responsibilities in adulting is a delicate matter.
Staying centered through chaotically inverted societal pressure takes focus and commitment to our own spiritual, mental and emotional terrain.
Going too far into the pleasure principle of only doing what feels good is a recipe for disaster. Long term outcomes of neglecting the work of unpacking the occulted stories that live in the subconscious as a driver in our lives brings regret of untapped potential.
Without contemplation, the symbology of archetypes rule over us instead of us recognizing the role they play in either helping us on our journey or blocking the path.
The illusion of safety married with the fear of death is the ultimate sales technique for swaying you the wrong way. From “artificial” beauty standards to self-improvement to quick-fix gadgets, everything you don’t need is always knocking at your door trying to distract you from the effort required to create from that soulful well whispering in your ear, desireing to move through you, and inviting you to listen.
Some modern-day comforts are worth it, little things that help us zip more quickly along our day so we can devote our time where it matters most, but some easy buttons are a lure that plays on fears and highlights shortcomings….if you just have that shiny object, then you’ll be ok……the neverending lie.
The world is a guided by a narcissistic egregore and we’re mice bustling around in corridors and behind walls trying to scurry, to get it all done, to get somewhere, to slither through tiny passageways and avoid predators that instinctively we know are there, but as a collective pretend they aren’t.
Marketing Campaigns fill heads with propaganda promising to keep you safe, to make your life easier, yet none of it ever makes life easier.
Technology also falsley promises to make life easier with things like;
- Wasting time going through many prompts to get to a person who can only read a script and most likely is unable to actually solve any problem.
- Wasting time and money updating apps, downloading apps, having issues with apps.
- Wasting time trying to make sure you have your charger because you can’t get into a show without an effin QR code on your phone, oops Verizon is down, now what? Oops phone went dead, now what? Oops dropped my phone on the way there, now what?
- Wasting precious time at airports who want to scan every inch of you, then when the ‘system” goes down and flights are cancelled, no one has the ability to operate without technology.
- Wasting opportunities because emails go to spam eaten by gremlins never to be seen….of course no one calls to ensure you got the message, that’s too hard.
- Wasting time searching for answers because google is nothing but propaganda so you have to get resourceful.
- Wasting time following your GPS around only to be sent on a wild goose chase to nowhere near the address you entered.
The more the whole world is, supposedly at our fingertips, the more it’s not.
Everything has potential for an up-side or a down-side.
Everyone has to choose the upside down or the right-side up.
Either way, life is challenging.
Doing the right thing doesn’t have an easy button.
Listening to the inner-call to get up, wake up, show up, isn’t for the faint of heart.
In order to find peace you have to pick your hard.
Discipline now leads to easy later.
Easy now leads to hard later.
False peace by avoiding hard things, leads to conflicts one must face later.
True peace by facing what you don’t want to look at, leads to greater peace after going through it…whatever “it” is for you.
Integrity is a friend of accountability in the same way people-pleasing is a friend to avoidance.
The New Age avoids negativity out of fear, perpetuating false positivity, gaslighting and spiritual bypassing. They feed what they fear by avoiding it, because it feels good…. Because it’s “easy.”
Many truther Communities feed negativity out of fear, perpetuating what they don’t want by putting all their focus on it…. focusing on the negative and not implementing solutions is the “easy” path. Always blaming they never will get you anywhere.
Political parties ensnare the public with divide and conquer schemes that never resolve anything, as it is not meant to…keeping people stuck in the loop of someone else will do something so I don’t have to…. because it’s “easier” than taking responsibility for your own life and facing the fears of not contributing to a system that, by its very nature, is irresponsible, immoral and immature.
The only way to win the game is to recognize what you’re consenting to, where your attention is being guided and learning to navigate the board with clarity, centeredness, and continuous re-direction back to your own inner compass and north star. What are you consenting to? What are you complying with? Where are you compromising your core values? What is lacking continuity, consistency and commitment in your life that can too “easily” be kicked over?
At the end of the day, there is no easy button. To pretend there is and only ever look for shortcuts will actually prolong things that could be resolved by just doing it…going through it….not “wasting” time unnecessarily.
Instead of looking for what feels good, is easy, is comfortable, ask what am I doing to prepare myself so that I can navigate life’s challenges better?
Working out is hard but when times arise that require healing, resilience or navigating uncertain terrain, the healthier you are, the easier those challenges will feel. This is something I’m working on, we all have something that needs more attention than other things….what comes naturally to you, what doesn’t?
Seeking, facing and confronting uncomfortable truths about the world, about yourself and those you care about is hard, but ignoring them is hard too, leaving space for resentment, frustration, and inner dissonance to take root. Years of avoidance for something a quick conversation can resolve is oddly how many things seem to go in a world where no one wants to hear what they need to hear.
Trusting an outer authority to know what’s best for you is hard. Taking action steps to become the authority of your own life is hard. The outcome, however, between these creates very different results. One creates helplessness and victimhood, the other empowerment and liberation.
Learning new things and taking steps toward creating the life you want, be it strengthening beliefs, gaining new skills, uprooting your home, changing your daily habits and schedule, committing to greater health and/or investing time, energy and money by challenging yourself to follow your own path is hard. People won’t understand, nor support, you. You’ll want to quit. You’ll want to give up. You’ll tire of showing up but here’s thing…. it’s hard until it’s not, because building new muscle mind-body-spirit is a devotion in living with strong will, tenacious curiosity, and unwavering commitment to your life, not in a hustle and grind for the system, but in a reverence for gift you’ve been given by being here.
The reality is, you’ve probably made it through some very hard times that no one knows about or could possibly understand….remember that, file it in the “I know what I’m made of” box" and pull it out of the file drawer on days that feel unbearable.
Embracing the hard in life makes life easier.
Creating discipline in life makes time for more flow and creative endeavors.
Showing up for life day after day and doing all the “adult” things that need to be done, creates space for spontaneous joy and adventure.
The tide will always turn because it must, that’s what tides do.
Appreciating the moments, the mundane, and the magic that is always beautifully intertwined around you makes the paradox of living a paradise filled with purpose.
Can you find joy in the hard? Can you see that as soon as you learn how to do something, what once was hard it becomes easy? At what point do you step into the arena as a beginner again when the road of comfort wears out its welcome?
How can we appreciate easy breezy days when we never stepped into the ring to do anything hard? It’s not about succeeding, especially as defined by the status quo, it’s about making life the grand adventure it’s meant to be and you’re going to need both metaphorical boxing gloves and an ability to laugh at yourself if you desire to walk in the fullest, weirdest, and most wonderful experience possible.
Both instant gratification and delayed gratification have consequence, are you stopping to weigh what that might be? There is nuance in the risk of it all; conscious decision making or living off-the-cuff, showing up now as to not have regrets in the future….what is the weight of the walk, what is the highest excitement, the lightest load to carry….only you know what’s best for you.
Sometimes there is no solution or comfort, life is life, the ebb ebbs, the flow flows, the seasons come, the seasons go….sometimes motion helps, sometimes stillness.
So what do you really want, an easy life….or the courage to try something different, chart your own course, navigate your own ship, steer your own path….because I promise you that most of the world will never take that chance….because it’s too hard.
Walking the walk, honoring your word and staying true to yourself is hard, but it’s far easier than compromising yourself…not listening to your heart and soul….or bending to the status quo. Beyond the material realm, easy is knowing you did the right thing amidst adversity and the contrast of what everyone else is doing….can you rest well…that is a clue.
The mightiest version of you, not only can endure the storm, but can wield all of life’s magic right through it…..I bet there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, to learn, to try…maybe today you should take the first step towards that thing….after all, the world is fully of negative know-it-alls who will give you a million reasons not to do something…don’t listen to them…focus on you….and go do it…because you can do hard things and you’re going to be so glad you did.
With love, Angela
(P.S. Nothing will change your life like doing what you know is best for you that you don’t ‘feel” like doing but do it anyway)
Wow. Maybe your best piece yet. Eminently quotable: "The illusion of safety married with the fear of death is the ultimate sales technique for swaying you the wrong way."
What a wonderful piece! I strongly identify with this whole message. It was actually this thinking process that helped me climb out of depression and see the world in a different light.
Sometimes a shift in perception is all we need to unlock the next chapter! Highly recommend checking this out y’all!.
Thank you Angela, this is a fantastic read!