I used to travel more, then the planned scamdemic marketing campaign was deployed upon the masses and everything changed.
I knew if I got on a plane I wouldn’t last long because there is no way in hell that I was going to suffocate myself with a face diaper in the mass-formation psychosis where the only virus was the mind one induced by fear.
I was furious at the number of people that went along with such nonsense.
This was and is the zombie apocalypse, heads in phones 24/7, faces covered in masks, the walking dead had taken over the streets, the airports, the world.
I had to process this anger of not being able to travel without a mask, the unfairness of life revealed itself to me again. What is the lesson for me in this? What is the blessing I can take from this? …questions I pondered.
It really hurt my soul to witness this, it made me want to smile more and helped me recognize how important faces are to the beauty that surrounds us. We need to see the whole face in order for communication to be clearer and more understood. We need the whole face to interact with the senses that give us constant feedback on how to navigate the world around us. We need to see faces to share in our humanness with one another. We need faces, not farces.
It’s taught me a lot. It helped me see how many times in my life I’ve been totally ignorant and foolish and am still susceptible as I continue to peel back layers of un-learning. It made me wonder how many times I’ve embarrassed myself for what I didn’t know or didn’t want to see at some point in life.
I hold compassion for everyone, including myself, for the blind spots we each share as we navigate this realm.
I’ve always questioned things. The rule of authority has never felt right to me. The corporate world labeled me as difficult or disruptive for asking questions and wanting to operate from a place of integrity and doing what is right for my customers, above what is “protocol.”
People love protocols and propaganda serves up a plate of here is what to do in clear steps, no need to think at all, just go-through-the-motions.
So here we are in 2024 and I started missing travel, I was long overdue for an adventure that took me away from my daily life, just for a little while…not to escape, because I love my life and it is actually quite difficult for me to leave my animals, but because I know the value of doing something uncomfortable when I get too comfortable. I know the importance of stepping back in order to gain new perspective and find deeper gratitude. I know that new experiences are reinvigorating and inspirational, even the messy ones where nothing goes as planned.
I went to Greece…but this is not about the trip, but the airports.
Air-(ports) are a type of (portal) – a chance to walk through mystery to an unfamiliar destination and come back home with new parts of the self, awakened.
And then there are the ports/portals/doorways/scanners sure to radiate you into more of a hellish path than the one previously described.
We are blanketed with emfs, as-is, I do not want to add in radiation. My bones aren’t broken, I don’t need a fucking x-ray. I don’t want anyone peering beneath my clothing except by choice with an intimate partner and I sure as hell am not going to be intimate with the TSA.
People wonder why they are always sick after traveling…eh, hem…radiation (obviously there are other contributing factors but this is no doubt one of them). (I don’t do mammograms either, there’s a rabbit hole I recommend)
I saw a radiologist in a forum of people concerned about these scanners say, “what I can tell you is that there is no such thing as zero risk.”
I look around the airport and see a bunch of stressed people trying to weave through the maze of insanity. Processes and technology that are anything but progress …and God forbid you bring water or almonds on a plane. Stinky feet roam around, but I’m sure they are keeping everyone “safe” from the tweezers everyone is probably keeping in their shoes.
I mean after all thugs in flip flops with box cutters took down some planes…. LOL…. #building7… people still believe in the lies from those days that inevitably ramped up the security and mechanism for control to limit traveling…. it’s ridiculous.
When I approach the portal to hell, I mean scanner, I calmly ask for a pat down stating that I cannot go through the scanner.
These agents have been “brainwashed” to say things like, “it’s just radio waves” or “It’s not harmful” or “it’s protocol” (there’s that word again).
The pat down agent said to me, “all the radiation is under the canopy of the scanner” --- uh yes, that’s why I’m not getting inside…. I’m not sure people hear what they are saying sometimes.
You can find information about how horrible these things are and I’m sure I can also energetically with my own will protect myself if I was forced to do it, so I had mentally prepared for this as well, but why?
They “let me” pass around the scanner, but it was my choice, my energy that said no, I opt out. I do not consent.
I didn’t enjoy the pat down; these are the only times in life I crave a cigarette and I’ve never smoked in my life. So much cringe. After these, I need to cleanse in a hot shower until the water runs cold.
Traveling to Greece, I wondered would I be able to do the same thing to opt out. Was I pushing my luck? To my joyous surprise, it was actually much easier there. Despite the long lines I peeked my head to the side and said, “excuse me, I am not comfortable going through the scanner, I’d like to opt for the pat down instead.” “No problem, miss, come right around.”
I did not witness one other person do this, like the masks, like so many things, most people line up and do as told.
I get it, it’s not fun to be in an anxious situation, it’s not fun to be the odd man or woman out.
When I first was defiant to the masks, I was angry and nervous and because of that I received threats, was kicked out of places and turned away…and I needed to go through that to find a deeper calm, more knowing.
Honestly, I have no interest in being defiant, I’m not angry about any of it anymore. I can see how the system serves a purpose in a way, for it is the contrast to open the door to sovereignty and self-trust.
There is a time and place to exercise judgement and speak up more boldly versus a quiet strength.
There is always another way, another story, another option.
You don’t have to wear a mask.
You don’t have to get the jab.
You don’t have to go through the airport scanner.
You don’t have to give up your biometric data (…at the gate or custom’s- they have your passport photo and your face in front of them, that’s all they need)
You can even get a different kind of pass-port…. that’s a topic for another day.
While you are at it, turn off your wi-fi at night, throw away your microwave.
If you want freedom, you have to be willing to stand up in a crowd and say, no…to be inconvenient and inconvenienced, not from a place of rebellion or anarchy but in friendship to your own soul, your inner knowing, to the light of truth…to face possible confrontation that you might fuck up in order to get better at not fucking up…to stand in honor is practice, to be sovereign is a responsibility, to claim a sense of liberty is to do the inner work of embodiment for deepened self-trust…your intuition is rooting for you.
I certainly don’t have it all figured out. I’m finding my way like everyone else, but I hope the next time I travel I spot another soul willing to use those powerful words, NO…heck, maybe the airport will open a special line because so many begin to recognize this is not freedom, nor for your safety….and this is why I write this, this is why I share. I get tired of feeling like I’m doing it all alone, I will, but I know there are others out there somewhere. I know I’m not the only black sheep roaming ‘round this plane(t).
These scanners look like a sci-fi movie only it’s not fiction…but it is psyense (ha)…psychological warfare, and the easiest way to win is to know thyself and be in your heart.
I avoided the scanners 6 times on my trip. I learned a lot about myself and interacting with people.
Life is a terrifying and wonderful adventure. It’s silly to me that this is even a topic, that the world we live in has scanners as mediators to travel….it must be part of the grand cosmic joke.
Tell me your stories about opting out of the airport portals…the scanners that leave you feeling like hell and radiate you unnecessarily? I’d love to hear them...I need to know there are others (where are you?)
This trip, I had my own little wins claiming back my freedom bit-by-bit. You can never vote your way out of tyranny hoping for a better “master,” you must do the work yourself. One by one, we get to choose what (or whom) we give our attention, energy and currency to…one by one, we can co-exist and co-create something else.
People want to feel important; they seek outer power or authority when it is missing from the inside. I imagine this TSA agent patting me down has a story to tell about the lady that wouldn’t “just” go through the damn scanner, the one who held up the line, who made everyone have to adjust their “protocol” just a tad…. they wanted to get through their shift at work and go home.
Why is it that when someone is iin a uniform people acquiescence faster…is it not a human under there, just like you?
I’m sure we’re exposed to things on the plane itself and there are many opinions on this, but even if they were “safe” (they aren’t) it’s all a gross invasion of privacy and a facade to keep the fear running through the veins of the masses.
When people say the radiation is “really low” I hear lesser of two evils…so what. They’ve admitted a small number may get cancer from it, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. (insert eye roll here) Even if there were long term studies (there aren’t. and those could easily be bought and paid), I would opt out because the issue is beyond the technology itself.
Maybe I’m paranoid, but I have zero reason to trust the government, the TSA, or any individual that hasn’t earned my trust in a mutual relationship…the blind trust of people going along to get along boggles my mind. This is why I get nervous flying, who is the pilot anyway…what level of discernment do they have?
The very act of standing there in a scanner with your arms up over your head, as if in an interrogation, is just another mechanism of normalizing what shouldn’t be normalized…giving up your biometrics, your data, your freedom.
I don’t know about you but I’m not keen on this surveillance state, social credit score nonsense and this is all wrapped up in that.
It is “legal” (how nice of them) to opt-out, but of course this is not known by most.
That’s the thing isn’t it, the disruptions are what give us greater insight to ourselves and the world around us. The obstacle is, indeed, the way (on both sides of the coin) …I brought the obstacle forth because I wanted to do what was right for me yet to do so meant possible confrontation. The TSA agent had to navigate it. The thing standing between us was the energy of the situation that could produce many possible outcomes.
Don’t even get me started with the AI facial recognition Delta tried to make passengers stare into, somehow I managed to skirt this as well, but I suspect this will become a “thing” in this technocracy that is unfolding.
Of course if you “google” it there will be many articles to convince you these things are all necessary and safe….that’s how propaganda works…dig deeper (mostly into your own soul as the answer is there).
The interwebs will tell you it’s “trivial” and you should comply and be a good little slave….kind of sounds like the “safe and effective” propaganda for the poison jabs, wink wink…yeah, the marketing is incredible, they spent a fortune on it…it’s just not true.
Stop giving up your rights so damn easily!
Everything is an offer, why are you saying yes to what you know deep inside you want to say NO?
In essence, we have a right to roam the earth freely without this madness.
Life is an exercise in learning what to opt out of and what to opt into.
Inside the system, being irrational is the only true rationality.
Be wise and free.
Lead with Love and your inner-chi (energy).
Hugs and x-ray vision (ha),
Links about airport scanners:
"One by one, we get to choose what (or whom) we give our attention, energy and currency to…one by one..." Yes! One by One - each individual flower blossoms, & one day we look out our window & see an entire garden of flowers abloom. The lush and exuberant garden is not a 'collective effort.' It happens when each posy fully blossoms as its Divine Self.
nice... yeh had to drive around australia looking for the last remote stations in the desert that were untouched by the COnvid.. like a refugee in my own country... got a good story out of it...
your welcome to donwload for free if your interested in the read from my web page? Roadhouse messiah.. getting crucified by the convid at every roadhouse I worked lol