"One by one, we get to choose what (or whom) we give our attention, energy and currency to…one by one..." Yes! One by One - each individual flower blossoms, & one day we look out our window & see an entire garden of flowers abloom. The lush and exuberant garden is not a 'collective effort.' It happens when each posy fully blossoms as its Divine Self.

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yes yes yes! :)

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nice... yeh had to drive around australia looking for the last remote stations in the desert that were untouched by the COnvid.. like a refugee in my own country... got a good story out of it...

your welcome to donwload for free if your interested in the read from my web page? Roadhouse messiah.. getting crucified by the convid at every roadhouse I worked lol


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Welcome back! Hope you had an insightful adventure! Good to see you’re taking the Temple of Delphi seriously! 😊

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Delphi is Delicious!

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I've been opting out and sometimes they act like I'm a huge pain in the ass and other times they are super friendly. They always let me though. One thing I don't understand is the way they swab your hands and then run the swab into some machine. Weird.

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yeah the swab is weird makes me want to intentionally rub some gun residue on my pants before going to the airport, just for fun, hahahahha.. But seriously, great job, thanks for sharing! :)

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I'm so glad you stood your ground, and I am raising my hand to say I did the same last year. I had to travel to Texas for a work conference and while approaching the tube from hell, I raised my hand and asked to be manually patted down. Eyes rolled and the rehearsed statement was shared about "it's safe". I did hold up the line since I wasn't pulled to the side. The TSA agent came around the belt and manually patted me down. Of course I could hear others behind me in line, huffing and puffing yet I did not care. LOL I was in my stand tall mode and nothing was going to stop me. Welcome home and glad you had a wonderful trip! xo

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YAY so glad you did! If we all do these little things on our own, it's far more impactful than anyone can imagine. <3

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Yes! it's the little things for sure! Thank you for this article!

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