It sounds so beautiful, the real sounds of Nature. Always preferable to the artificial noises of urban life. I am.not minimizing the hard work of farming or rural life, but the hard work of living in the city is often so alienating. From reading your essay, I think you know what I.mean. Take care.
Rooster and cow talk along with bird songs are my favorite morning wake up calls. I love farm noise. Thank you Angela! 🐓🐮🕊
me too. I'm surrounded by a cattle farm so we've got the moos too, occassionally they get loose in my yard and have a cow patty party :)
I can here them in the distance so comforting. ♥️♥️♥️
Very true. I would rather hear dozens of roosters crow than the dozens of jet planes that pass overhead daily here in the city.
Watching four chicks grow into roosters and try to learn how to crow has been one of the sweetest sounds I never knew I needed to hear.
It sounds so beautiful, the real sounds of Nature. Always preferable to the artificial noises of urban life. I am.not minimizing the hard work of farming or rural life, but the hard work of living in the city is often so alienating. From reading your essay, I think you know what I.mean. Take care.
I definitely know and have experienced the upside and downside of both.
"And I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m learning as I go"
You know exactly what you are doing , just lovely 👍🏼🌻💛
Magnificent, dear Angela! Joy to the World, beautiful soul! & Merry Christmas, Child Heart.
Thanks Adrian!
A peace redeeming read. Thank U! 😊 🐓
Thank you so much
For the love of chooks and their different personalities ❤️ … and cats … and the rest of the team 😊
Thanks Justin. :)