Apr 14Liked by Angela Morris

I love how you absolutely refuse to compromise yourself! I also hate the virtue signaling. It seems so much of feminism and the woke movement is now indoctrinated hate/ getting off on humiliating others who don’t view it the same way, and so droves of people are doing the same thing that they themselves fought against. They have in a way, become ‘churchy’ and dogmatic. I like what you said about more nope, less woke😂👏

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yes that is a good way to put it it's like the antithesis of what one claims to believe comes out of them, it's quite strange, dogmatic evolution. More Nope, Less Woke, that's my motto and I'm sticking to it, hahahahha! :)

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Yes, yes, yes: "Nothing makes me sadder to witness, or want to throw up in my mouth, than seeing people in a mask, and a close second is the use of pronouns."

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Completely agree! I’ve seen people starting to wear masks again even alone in their car. I shit you not. 😑

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oh no,not again, if only we could re-wind time!

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