Bob Dylan said "To live outside the law you must be honest." Smart fellow.

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Love that, never heard that, thank you!!! So true! <3

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It's in this song:


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...I saw him in concert once long before I was aware of things...definitely heard this song before but have never looked at the lyrics, really appreciate your share.

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"But this necessity (to resort to violence) does not arise out of the nature of man, but out of the institutions by which he has already been corrupted. Man is not originally vicious. He would not refuse to listen, or to be convinced by the expostulations that are addressed to him, had he not been accustomed to regard them as hypocritical, and to conceive that, while his neighbour, his parent and his political governor pretended to be actuated by a pure regard to his interest, they were in reality, at the expence of his, promoting their own. Such are the fatal effects of (political) mysteriousness and complexity."

--William Godwin, An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793), Vol. II.

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May 20Liked by Angela Morris

Thanks for sharing your luminous words, as well as the cool memes & feisty tweets! Freedom is a beautiful gift from the Divine and I suspect the Divine knows better than human governments about life, soul and who we are. To be free and take our chances, trusting in our self, works better for us all.

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I couldn't agree more! Thank you :)

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Hear, hear, and well said. The subject of sovereignty (in all its simplicity and complexity) has been very much on my mind for quite a while. The song "Bogus Nation" from my new EP, MISFIT, is on a totally similar wavelength. Happy to comp you, Angela, and anyone else for that matter who'd be interested in giving it a listen ...

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I'd love to listen to the sovereign groove!

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Awesome. I just comped you for month. You might appreciate the visualizer as well. Super groovy indeed ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/misfit-with-a-capital-tnew-ep-pre ... Feel free to leave a comment if you like it even a little ... 🙏

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Much gratitude!

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Honestly, I think this is a very short-sighted and naive view that unfortunately encourages an arrogant passivity that cedes ground to the psychopaths. I’ll write an article soon to explain why.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

I had to unlearn, de-program. Statists are saying yes I approve of you robbing, stealing, beating me for no reason, they are saying yes I consent to loss of bodily autonomy, 24/hour surveillance and an inability to travel freely upon the land....which is our God given right. When there is no victim there is no crime, yet this is the basis for most of its existence and creation of fear because keeping people busy giving all their money/energy/time to their ruler, thus, keeping everyone from their creative potential and in the rat race. Government is the gatekeeper to the illusion of the veil that keeps people's eyes covered. I see its purpose, but the true laziness is the passiviity of thinking "they" will fix it as "they" have never fixed anything, thinking "they" are a savior versus taking back the responsibility into self for a self-authorized life. I don't know one person in government that I deem as moral, honorable, or intelligent enough to make decisions on my behalf and even if they were, they don't know me personally so how could that even be possible? As Ayn Rand says, the true minority is the individual and for an individual to give up all their rights for the collective is insanity. I support people being free to follow a set of immoral rulers if they choose, just like I support freedom of speech, freedom to suffocate yourself in a face diaper if you think that works for you but it has to go both ways or it's anything but freedom. The system knows all of this, thus everything they do is an "offer" and the people can choose to consent...or not.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

Have you read any of the books mentioned above. Have you seen Passio's lectures on Natural Law. Have you taken Brandon William's courses or Live Free Now, etc. To live with a moral compass and under Natural Law to me means learning to abide by the True Law, living in Honor. It's anything but passive, as a matter of fact I've worked harder than ever since I woke up to this and the spiritual nature of not supporting evil, to become more self sufficient, learn how to live in the private, and know my true rights which are not given by a government that intentionally harms, coerces, manipulates its citizens. Most people don't want the self responsibility required to live a free life, thus they give it over and we end up with genocides....democides....carried about by the controllers as we have witnessed the past 4 years. I cannot support that kind of atrocity. Statism is a forced religion. As the Art of Liberty says, "The secret religion is called Statism, and it is the indoctrinated pseudo-religious belief in having a “government” in the first place, allegiance to it, and the poisonous, indoctrinated worldview of an illegitimate legitimacy and willingness to use violence against peaceful people in the police and military." You can't vote your way free it's like begging a kidnapper to let you go, it's trying to fix something that isn't broken because it was always intended to be a means of control, hence the mass indoctrination, the marketing campaigns of fear, the codes and statutes that threaten, force, and rob the citizens daily. As soon as you submit the ballot, you are no longer free or sovereign, it's an energetic bind or agreement (see https://theirrationalsage.substack.com/p/the-ballad-of-the-ballot ) . When you starve the beast, the beast dies. People who are not ready emotionally, spiritually, physically to do the work to claim their freedom need government as a ruler until they recognize it's illegitimacy and break away from stockholm syndrome holding it all in place, that was me once, so I get it.

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There's my answer.

Most of your writing does encourage people to care more and be active, so much respect for that. I think you've imagined the government to be more of an enemy than it is in reality. It's just a reflection of the state of understanding of humanity. Does evil utilize it? Of course. But it doesn't have to be that way. Just societies exist, especially if you explore them in the higher realms. You'll see that governments exist there too...as above so below. In our world, the forces of good have fallen asleep for the most part. We just have to keep waking up. I don't think voting is the trap that you believe it is. Feels very paranoid to me. And fear can make us do, see and believe some strange things...until we test them.

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Just responded! I definitely disagree, LOL, but I see your point. Natural Hierarchy is different to me than government. I get where you are coming from, I used to think that way too but life circumstances brought me to see things differently. Ultimately one has to operate between both public and private, to be in the world but not of it. My goal is to get people to think for themselves and care a whole lot more, to live more consciously..., so you are right, it's not my job to convince anyone of anything just present information for pondering. The irony of it all is that the people who make the best, truest, most benevolent leaders would never run for office. :) And that's the greatest paradox! I used to want to fight the system, but I no longer do that, instead I focus on what I want because I was using up too much time and energy for a long time trying to do that, but I kept reading, learning, talking with people and found another way that works for me and have met some awesome people through those channels.

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"The irony of it all is that the people who make the best, truest, most benevolent leaders would never run for office. :)"

I used to think this too, but lately I'm thinking that might be a moral failing on their part. I think that's exactly why we're in this situation, where the corrupt have been in power for too long. Did no good men challenge them? Did not enough good men shine a light upon their corrupt dealings? If all the 'good men' were instead off pursuing their own little crafts and allowing psychos to magnify their evil by gaining access to the levers of power, are we really good men?

Seeing all this has been making me understand the need for courage and the will to do what needs to be done to guard the social machines and trust that helps us all prosper and get what we need. On that note, thank you for writing such a provocative piece that got me to carve out time to write more!

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May 31·edited May 31Author

Has government ever done anything good? Has any politician ever kept their word? They want their citizens to abide by insane "rules" that are immoral that they do not abide by themselves? Elections make people think there is choice but the system is set up in dishonor against good and natural law, in deceit by the nature of the false agreements made by ignorance, parent's give away their children not knowing what they signed, people lose their jobs because they unknowingly contracted in deceit? Look at 2020 people followed mandates that are not law all out of fear, coercion and by threat. Police don't protect anyone except those in power and they do so by force and coercion which is not benevolent. Have you ever seen government itemize and hold accountable all they do, waste, spend...how politicians with mediocre paychecks all become millionaire's once in office? How needless people go to war to fund bankers that fund both sides? I've never seen one politician talk about anything meaningful or true, ever, not one.....natural law, true health like the virus scam (because they are in bed with pharma) so to think they would implement anything positive I mean the whole 9/11 false falg to push more control, everything they do is more control, more taxes, more statues, regulations and less freedom, so I know without a doubt nothing has changed and voting won't change anything (because it is doing the same thing as throughout antiquity it was designed to do) but continue to implement more control because people vote thinking well my guy is gonna do something, and their guy never does anything because it's an individual job to become sovereign...people that did vote couldn't even get religious exemption in 2020, many lost their jobs or died from the jab, thus, the system did what it was designed to do....it's not there to help people, it's there to support the top down mafia controllers and it is literally mafia. You can't expect another man who is flawed to make choices for you unless you want to be harmed. The greatest courage is to say NO to that which strangles you....have you ever seen a politician discuss benevolence, how terrible the deathcare system is, how the IRS is voluntary, the true history of vaccines, depopulation, natural law, the legelese used to trick people, etc etc... no because it's dog and pony, theatre, wolf in sheep's clothing, it's bribery, it's self-interest. The first part of freeing is inside of the self, it's part of the awakening process, the black-pill thinks the psychos are all in control harming all the people, but this is not true. The people are all consenting because everything is an offer, so as long as you consent, which voting is consent...consent to be ruled, consent to be a slave, consent to coercion, consent to theft, consent to force, etc. Thanks for the comment, hope all is well!

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it cut me off.... you can't expect another man who is flawed to make choices for you unless you want to be harmed. The greatest courage is to say NO to that which strangles you....have you ever seen a politician discuss benevolence, how terrible the deathcare system is, how the IRS is voluntary, the true history of vaccines, depopulation, natural law, the legelese used to trick people, etc etc... no because it's dog and pony, theatre, wolf in sheep's clothing, it's bribery, it's self-interest. The first part of freeing is inside of the self, it's part of the awakening process, the black-pill thinks the psychos are all in control harming all the people, but this is not true. The people are all consenting because everything is an offer, so as long as you consent, which voting is consent...consent to be ruled, consent to be a slave, consent to coercion, consent to theft, consent to force, etc. Thanks for the comment, hope all is well!

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