Love love love this piece, Angela. 🤍

I relate more than you could ever know.

Boy, do I feel inspired to share my personal story with you. Maybe one day over a glass of wine or cup of tea and a campfire under the stars.

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Thanks so much and yes on the campfire, planting that seed!

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Ploink! 🌱

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Great post.

I never wore a mask and I rarely wear makeup although I have been told by men and women I should- fuck you!

I consider myself a person that looks at the soul, not the flesh that surrounds it. Everyone is a piece of God and when the mask BS starting happening I was heartbroken and angry

I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry in my life

Even now when I think about it, it rattles my brain!

It was a test for sure and humanity failed!

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Absolutely fascinating reflections on the role of the mirror in individual and collective processing ...

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Thank you , the damn mirror the nemesis! Ha!

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A lot of yes to this. I remember thinking years ago "no shit the whole covid scam fuckery worked, we were already wearing masks, the mandates just made them physical manifest. we were already social distancing, we just made it manifest. we were already quarantined, we just made it manifest in the physical literal sense" and i find what you say about the mirrors here interesting. the screens are a fucking killer, and im guilty of being hypnotized and wondering what the hell happened to my mind after losing an hour of time on absolute nothingness. I remember asking a former AA sponsor a long time ago why I kept getting in "certain situations". She told me, "youre living in a house of mirrors thinking youre looking out a window" - she meant that in a different way than what you're explaining here, but the result was the same as what you are suggesting - that i had to look within myself in order to find out why. So when I think of the mirrors - i'll use an example. I found a mirroring with abusive partners. Was it because I was doing what they were doing? No, not mirroring in that sense. It was because once I sat honestly with myself and inventoried my own shit and really looked at how I treated myself - I treated myself with abuse and neglect and often total disregard - so the people I was drawing (or allowing) near me were mirroring that, just in the physical / external sense. so i guess, same with the masking, even though we've all had our masking culture / cult of silence bullshit certainly since ive been alive, the chin diapers just came around in 2020. have no idea if this made sense but i wanted to say something. thanks for this article.

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makes sense to me....I love how you said all those things were already happening the scam fuckery just made it manifest because is the ultimate truth of it all!!! I swear society is going in reverse....yeah the mirror thing really has me thinking about a lot lately, definitely a subject I will write more about down the road...thanks for the share and comment...you're right I get so mad at myself sometime wasting time on it. I"m trying to block more time for it so I don't contstantly check it but it truly is like an addiction or something how it pulls people in to its grasp....narcissus can't pull away from her image because that's what happening in a sense.

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Yeah TBH I did a social media detox last year (a little over at this point) and I could never get “fully” back on after that, it felt like having an allergic reaction…. until LATELY when I’ve had to get back on it to start with the music again, but holy FUCK. It absolutely it addicting asf, and I can observe this in myself - like wtf am i trying to avoid right now by handing over my consciousness to this machine? holy fuck. So yeah it’s something I have to curb as well bc its frightening tbh. Well, I best get off the electronics and go outside now. But I appreciate your writing so much. thank you.

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