Jan 30Liked by Angela Morris

This may be telling, but when I was a kid I preferred to play on the see-saw alone by standing in the center with a foot on either side of the middle. Finding the stance that allowed me to use my weight to lift and balance each side proved to be an incredible exercise for my core strength and QUITE the challenge! Occasionally, Iā€™d sit alone on one side and call out across the playground to my brother pleading with him to jump as hard as he could onto the other side to see if he could send me careening off the thing! He was happy to oblige. Haha! Good times. Love this article and you! šŸ¤šŸ–¤

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Jan 30Ā·edited Jan 30Author

I can imagine you flying into the air and laughter pouring out, haha! But seriously, I know what you mean about trying to do it yourself, the balancing act of trying to do it all alone but after a while it's too hard to keep going...even the wind may come along and make one side teeter up more than the other....the dance of the inner and outer realms, the desire to be alone and yet connect, the paradox in "play." <3 Thanks for sharing this childhood story, indeed they give us so much insight about ourselves as we reflect on these moments in time.

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