Thanks for putting this out there. In all 3 years throughout the scamdemic, not one news story or major news article on how to eat healthy, get sunlight, or exercise. It was really just shut yourself indoors and take pharmaceuticals. Thats what did it for me.

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Thanks Nick and you are so right, all the "suggestions" and "mandates" were never anything related to health and yet people still couldn't see it. Sunlight, food, water, breathing, exercise, etcetera far better than everything we witnessed.

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Yess!!! The biggest red flag ever …still amazes me people couldn’t see that (I guess some still don’t…) 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Angela, I love this post! Thank you and I couldn’t agree more! And oh my gosh, YES PLEASE HUG!! I would have hugged you in your awesome shirt (or anytime really)! Most likely I would have ran at you full speed for a hug! 😂 Yes a thousand times YES!! Cuz we are humans who need contact.

Long before the mass formation psychosis I taught my students and clients how we needed 10 hugs (minimum) a day just to stay healthy. More if you are in a stress response. But alas the psyop was well crafted and sadly the fear machine worked for too many. I’m still upset about it all, but finding my way through with compassion and forgiveness.

I sincerely appreciate your thoughtful posts and wisdom in looking back over the worst years in recorded history. You give me hope for our future, that maybe those of us who didn’t get caught in the propaganda mind control, can help our friends and families come back to reality and as you said - life.

Your heretical ways are so loved! Thank you for being perfectly YOU!

Big hugs on you. 🤗

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I love that about what you taught your students, it's literally important for health and people wonder why there is so much depression, well that's one of many obvious reasons. Thanks for the kind words, you truly touched my heart as my intention is to provoke thought in a meaningful way, not to trigger negatively, but invite people to ponder a return to their own inner knowing and heartspace. Blessings and Big Hugs on you too! :)

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Jun 23Liked by Angela Morris

Love it! More ‘hug shirts’ 😊🤗

You’re so right, but these days so many are afraid to even touch someone in case it would be felt as wholly inappropriate (and reported). Not talking about perverts.

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I know, it is so sad all around. 🤷🏻‍♀️ we must go on hugging despite the craziness.

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The summer BM (before masks) I went into a bank and was told people are not allowed to wear sunglasses inside as it was a security threat. Then? Masks came and I was like (scooby sound) errrr?

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Scooby Sound, LOL, I could hear it when you wrote that....errrr? How fast they changed their tune!

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Jun 28Liked by Angela Morris

Love the title

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Thanks Dawn! :)

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Jun 26Liked by Angela Morris

We're huggers!!

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I don't know why but when I read your comment I could hear that Queen song in my head "We are the champions" only this: We are the huggers, my friends

And we'll keep on hugging 'til the end. :)

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So spot on! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you!

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"Hugger games." Golden, absolutely golden.

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