As a kid who loved Viewfinders, I consider myself my own personal viewfinder. Great writing, of course you ended with a dope poem.

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Thanks Chris. I totally forgot about Viewfinders!!! I loved them and kaleidoscopes.

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I loved kaleidoscopes too. My first story on Substack has a viewfinder in it. It’s called Running and Rebirth. I use a character in it but I’ve let some people know recently that it actually really occurred to me. True story. Five days after it happened I was visiting my parents and my mother out of nowhere said, “Chris, I found your old Viewfinder. Would you like it?” You’ll understand when you read the story how I sat in silence after that understanding there was divine intervention. I knew then that I had to write about my experience.

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Incredible. I'll go check it out, look forward to reading it!

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Bingo ... "Imagination is a key to unlocking new realms. Bringing the higher mind and its rationality into the imaginative state weaves threads of potential into tangible steps made manifest in reality."

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Superb 🙏💗

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Thanks Keith!

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Cultivate Immortality. C.J.

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