I guess I’ll chime in on the Trump “Tower Moment” but my take might trigger so take this as a heads up before you continue reading. Perhaps this may be a counter to the reactiveness flooding my feed on the topic because I don’t really buy into most sensationalized content as none of it looks legitimate.
I have no idea if Trump’s ear was “actually” grazed by a bullet. I do know the tiny silver bullet weapons (aka jabs), both he and his adversary, promoted since 2020 were also a sort of assassination attempt on millions of people, so let’s put things in perspective.
The Poor-little-cull parties loves profiting from things harmful to the masses, which is terrible beyond words. Whether real or not is not what this post is about, it’s about how easily people buy into things and why…how emotional tugs, manufactured or authentic, are opportunities to appeal to an audience, pull at those heart-strings and stir up support, essentially, keep people in a state of confusion and distraction.
Biden&Trump (both) = ASS + ASS in the nation no matter who is “selected” or “wins.” Voting is consent to be ruled by a system that is unethical and fraudulent, it’s a bind, a spiritual trick, an impediment to justice, truth, freedom and sovereignty. It takes people away from the path of individuation, self-responsibility and peace.
Often there is occulted information that arrives out of these scenarios where the hidden-in-plain-sight magickal nature of many events (think bread and circus) is a ritualistic endeavor that draws on the energetic charge from the people’s reactivity. It’s the outcries and idolization that feeds the machine.
Government, nor media, will never empower people, only keep them frantic, fearful and emotive over something far outside of themelves,. I doubt most newscasters are even aware of any of it. Either way, the confirmation bias of the masses wanting to “prove they are right” gives the intended divisive result and misses the point…that your attention was just harvested and the value of your time and energy re-directed into something that shifts the focus from what you want to create in your life.
The illusion of choice has people lining up to support statutes and codes that rob them by consent. Immoral by its very existence, the system will never advocate for nature, natural law, or soul-led living…for good. The middle-man egregore feeds off emotional disregulation and divisive leverage to support its malfeasance. At the same time, no one in a position of political “power” exactly screams competence at any level it would take to mastermind some conspiracies, though it’s rather evident it doesn’t take but a few to sway many.
While subconscious gremlins play games vying to sit upon a throne of fiction, I’ll be living and placing importance on what matters to me in my own life.
Politicians are charlatans who tell you what you want to hear, then when you put your faith in them and hand them your power, time, attention, money, resources, they use it for themselves, no accountability, no good. Voting is like letting someone you’ve never met make decisions for your life.
Two sides of the same coin.
Have your emotions been Hi-Jacked?
I don’t know if it was real, a set-up, a psyop or what. I don’t know if someone in the audience really died or not, even if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who was there, you don’t know either…. because you aren’t meant to know…you are meant to react (not respond). The POLE these TICKS ride is one of division, yet they play on the same team, the team of belief in a false authority that doesn’t abide by truth, natural law, or benevolence.
If someone did really die, I extend my condolences…as well as to anyone else who passed on the same day who didn’t get media coverage. It infuriates me how these politicians are not only put on a pedestal, but will pretend to care about any human loss during times where they know it might benefit them.
Just like the story of men with box cutters taking down planes is clearly a ridiculous narrative, so too are many of the events that we’re led to believe. Some more obvious than others, but even the ones that are true, how does it really affect you? So often what we worry about happening, we create, because we take all that focus and put it on the thing we don’t want instead of what we do.
Even if an event is not a false flag and/or psyop of some kind, the news (noose) will broad-cast its spells to the North-East-West-South with the same dialogue about said event as this amplifies and imbues what they want you to hear, and believe, into the collective psyche.
When people become emotionally charged, their fears are preyed upon and they will defend that emotion that has fueled the new belief.
The news is a loosh machine and I don’t watch it and won’t watch it, even “this one time” because something is a bigger story…even more reason to offset the balance of things by being one who doesn’t.
Why is it, the more emotionally charged a situation, the most sure conspiracy theorists or skeptics will abandon themselves for a news event, even when they have gone far enough down the road to reach a place where they usually do not entertain such things?
Like Peggy Hall has shared, watching footage without sound, in order to take the emotion out, may help you see something differently. It is an interesting experiment to undertake.
Propaganda’s goal is to prop up an agenda. It requires emotion to work.
Once your attention is CAUGHT (yes, it’s caught because it’s ALWAYS a distraction, thus capturing your life force energy the minute you give freely your attention, focus and energy), then you are primed.
As you are primed you are likely brought in to a heightened emotional state such as shock, fear, disbelief.
When you are in this heightened state, your ability to reason and think logically is overridden by the emotion. During this time the propaganda is superimposed in your mind and you begin confirmation bias by looking for data to support the new belief.
Because the belief was imbued with a heightened charge from the shock and awe, it will be harder to remove the cognitive dissonance and create triggers anytime someone says something that doesn’t support the “information” you were told as fact.
Symbols, subliminals, NLP, and hypnosis techniques are a few of many tools used at times, but not necessarily needed to succeed.
This has happened countless ways, from school shootings to building 7, as far back in history as you can go…the art of persuasion, the look over here and not there, the bribery, the hollywood acting, the displays of pomp and circumstance, all to pull you to a side.
Ever notice how no one ever seems to know any of the victims? I’m not saying it’s not valid, I just have never met anyone who can validate it. Too many times crisis actors from things we were told were real show up years later in other places donning a completely different “role.”
Whatever it is, this short attention span world, pretty soon it will be on to the next big story and on to the next and the next and the next…when does it end?
I’ve been there. I’ve had to unschool myself, de-program my brain, unlearn, un-do…and I am certain there is much more to clear away. I do not exclude myself in this as if I have it all figured out, heck-no, I’m reclaiming my energy, power, liberty, sovereignty day by day.
In the case of Trump, I don’t wish anything bad on him or Biden, both of these scoundrels are more hilarious to me than not, puppets who have their own karma to deal with for the lies and hot air spewed to the public.
No politician will save you, nor America, from anything, never have, never will. Freedom is an inside job.
I’m no expert, but I remember studying blood spatter patterns in graduate school and I wish I had kept my forensic books; little did I know they might have come in handy for analyzing television drama and allow me to finally put that degree to better use. Either way, I can’t even look at the photos blanketing the interwebs without it all seeming rather strange and silly.
If you dispute any of this with the masses, they will say, but someone was killed…. but the fact is, you don’t know that… you only know that you were told that, you don’t know…. many of the horrible things we are told are true have zero evidence of it being so…and if enough time passes usually the dots start connecting that tell a completely different story.
Very “quickly” after something on the news is shared, they always seem to say they’ve caught the guy, but it’s the same old story, conveniently dead (without a voice). Maybe I’m overly suspicious, but liars don’t just stop lying overnight.
I remember when there was an “incident” in my town and before anyone knew any details (which how could you, because we only know what the TV reports) people were praying on the social media, emotional and in an uproar, just where they want you…. hook, line and sinker, stuck in an emotional outcry, primed for manipulation and as loosh for the egregore of rulership.
Stockholm syndrome is when you develop feelings for your captor, for your master, for your kidnapper, for your ruler and many have emotions for politicians because they are exposed to them through repetition, making it seem like you know them, making it feel like you do. Most people don’t know them, only what is shown and what’s promoted, be it on the mainstream or alt freedom channels, it is always a distortion from reality.
Maybe you meet a politician and shake their hand, take a picture, create a moment where you feel connected, just like influencers, movie stars, etcetera. I undersatnd feeling inspired by someone but to hold someone in high regard just for being “famous,” I will never understand. Ever go see a favorite band in concert only to realize you can’t stand them in person… or the opposite?
I have actually known some politicians in my life that weren’t all sleeze, small town people who think they can change the world from the outside in, good intentions, but lack of critical thinking. When will we learn? When will we see the system for what it is and the individual for their true deeds, not just slick sounding language or good PR?
Knee-jerk emotional reactions are often wrong, which is why causing a scene or stir about something is needed to ignite the tension, friction, excitement, hullabaloo and ensures your attention is everywhere but on you and your life.
The lies of history are written before our eyes, thus, how can we believe what we are told about our past when we can’t make sense of our now…when we can clearly see truth being manipulated in real time?
Think about this in your own life, can you remember a day you had a year ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, the details of a heightened event? Have you ever been somewhere and witnessed two people replay the event entirely different than how you saw it play out? Unless you are one of the incredibly rare people with a photographic memory, humans are prone to be terrible at remembering things.
School teaches memorization because the creators of the indoctrartion system must have known how terrible human memory is and, thus, how effective memorization and continuous exposure to something can be in influencing beliefs, character, choices and actions. The school system is meant to steer thinking in a direction that benefits the controllers, not the student, and this way of viewing the world is a preface to bring that in to adulthood where your teachers as leaders are now politicians and corporations. Somewhere on the way, heartfelt dreams get turned into producers in a machine.
When you are in a heightened emotional state there is a distortion that happens in your field.
Think about a time you dated someone that everything seemed hunky dory at first then 6 months later you are like WTF how could I not see such glaring concerns or red flags? Because the emotions clouded you as the possibilities for love overtook reason.
To understand how easily propaganda shapes reality, I highly recommend watching Century of Self, it’s worth an investment in the 4 hours. (Look up the connection with Netflix and Bernays, the propaganda bloodline)
***Reactivity vs Responding, anti-hero, forensic investigations, media and more:
In this video, Peggy Hall walks you through the top 5 ways “They” try to trick you, she has other videos on how to discern better and see through these events.
Check out The Freedom Scale’s wisdom on why government can’t save you from government.
You don’t need permission to live your law. It’s always the same…Cory Endrulat explains.
This is a fun one from a spiritual angle and an exercise in crticial thinking: The Anti-Christ Rituals of 9/11 and The Vegas Shooting:
Doing “The Great Work” doesn’t care about your political status:
In HBO’s Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl, truths are revealed in “comedy,” which is not uncommon. He mentions this quote, “History is a myth men agree to believe,” and that is certaintly true. I can only imagine the tales that will be told about our current times to future generations. It’s our individual stories and experiences we have with each other that are far more poignant, as well as the ability to recognize the archetypes and myths ever-present in the theatre of this life we share.
All the World’s A Stage…. once you peek behind the curtain, the game is up.
Each person must individuate themselves and take their power back, one by one becomes together, but it has to be sought and realized by each soul.
The art of persuasion and propaganda is very much alive, probably more than ever due to the ease of repetition beyond the news and into social media’s influence.
Learning to recognize propaganda:
1) Turn off the sound and watch.
2) Better yet, don’t watch at all, ask yourself, in the time I have on earth, is this the best way to spend it, is it really useful?
3) When there are no visuals or sound, what does the timing, location or narrative actually have to say?
4) Ask yourself, could there be an explanation, detail, and/or something else I am missing or just can’t, see? If yes, are you willing and ready to entertain the idea of something beyond what you thought to be true?
5) Ask yourself questions daily, keep learning, keep exploring topics beyond what you think is fact.
6) Pattern Recognition! Learning to spot patterns becomes more natural as you take time to zoom out and contemplate yourself and the world around you. The next time you buy something, for example, ask yourself…do I really want this or am I being influenced by something? Also when things happen in the news can you think of a similar “past” event and find a similarity, or thread?
7) Listen to your BODY! Your body is telling you if something feels off, smells fishy, sounds odd. Our society has forgotten how to listen through embodiment. Without this skill, your truth radar will always miss the mark. Additionally, body language tells many a tale that doesn’t match the words coming out of someone’s mouth, what is really being said by someone? What’s their tell? How do you know when someone is lying? (Keep in mind a lot of people don’t think they are lying, if they believe the lie to be true, so this is multi-layered and an art in SELF-AWARENESS to reach greater insight through observation, intuition, and a sort of de-coding or connecting dots.)
Let this event be an act in discernment, an opportunity to re-direct our attention to what we want to CREATE in this life, an opening for genuine dialogue, a prayer for peace and compassion (even for our enemies), a reminder of what we don’t know or will never know, an invitation for deepening discernment and wisdom, a wish for opening our eyes a little bit more today than yesterday.
With the rapid increase of Artificial Intelligence blanketing our lives, now is the time to be even more discerning, skeptical and think critically. By sharing our perspetives we can open up the possibility for more meaningful exchanges that help us remember that is our direct connection with each other that is far more important and meaningful than anything we may, or may not, witness on a screen…real or not.
Don’t let the news become a noose.
I wouldn’t have even known about this if so many weren’t suddenly talking about it. I appreciate the passionate dialogue by many here on Substack, even some of you I don’t fully agree with, because of the thought provoking intellectual round-up.
People will say oh this ensures Trump gets the election, others will say the opposite…because division seems to “trump” us coming together to see it doesn’t matter who is CEO of the USA (corporation), what matters is honoring the sacredness of life and becoming the author of your own life, not letting another dictate that to you.
All that being said, true or not, it is all distraction, media circus, bread and circus. Real, or not, the propaganda around it fosters mayhem and hysteria over an idolic propped up figure that is not someone I know personally, nor care to know. It’s not relevant to my life.
At the end of the day, I don’t really believe in what happened, but also, I wish no one harm. I try to abide by the golden rule…if I could vote, I wouldn’t, because I vote for myself! I don’t see the value in giving attention to these things. It’s important we find solutions in our own lives, check our reactive tendencies at the door, and understand how easy it is to be caught up in the dopamine hits of media mind games that are not beneficial for us individually, nor as a collective.
With Love and curious thinking…
(Remember, there is nothing new under the sun)
Profound- especially for a lady that allows herself to get beaten up by a duck! Is that really true? Any witnesses? Ducks don’t talk so it’s just your word against the Duck…. 😂😂😂😂😂