*Disclaimer: I don’t write this to diminish any real events or people harmed, but I do write this as a wake-up call that life is precious, how do you really want to spend it?
Conspiracy theorists love to tell you about all the things that were an “inside job.”
They are usually right, that’s the way it works…but they are missing the biggest inside job of all...their own!
The real inside job is in how focusing all that energy on “they” makes you complicit in consciously creating the very thing that has stolen your attention.
The real inside job is realizing how you have lied to yourself and not made choices out of integrity, but fear…fear of an invisible enemy or entity that “they” told you to fear, to look at and focus on….(usually that brings profit back to said attention grabber)
The real inside job is recognizing your part in the whole, that you are not an innocent bystander in a reality out to “get you.” You get to claim victimhood and cowardness or victory by living with courage, even in the face of adversity.
The real inside job is when you stop complaining about what everyone else is doing and start living life, having experiences, and taking empowered actions that are within your control.
The real inside job is doing the inner work instead of wasting time pointing fingers at everything that’s wrong.
The real inside job is looking at what has imploded in your own life that you were avoiding, running from or manipulating and stopping to acknowledge and changing it.
The real inside job is the tower moment that will blow up your own reality, repeat old patterns and continue a path you don’t want to go down, if you don’t do something about it.
The real inside job is when you see the metaphorical building 7 in your own life after recognizing what blocks were present keeping you from seeing blind spots that were right under your nose all along.
The real inside job is learning to discern and not get sucked into another rabbit hole that takes you away from things that are a better use of your time.
The real inside job is breaking down your own walls to see what has been “hidden inside.”
The real inside job is realizing the duality of this world and cultivating joy, love and beauty despite this knowing.
Ther real inside job is not about the psyops, secret societies, government or false flags, it’s about you uncovering the mysteries that live inside of YOU. It’s about the revelations that come from taking responsibility for you. It’s the apocalyptic downfall of who you thought you were into the person you want to become.
Becoming a detective for your own life instead of events broadcast by the media, or alt media, that want (need) your emotional reactivity and fear in order to funnel your choices where “they” want you to spend your time, money and attention. Become laser focused on your own life, not loosh… lionhearted and loving, not easily lead by dread.
“Get busy living, or get busy dying” because it’s an inside job and no one can figure it out but you.
The ultimate inside job is to find compassion, joy, love and solutions in order to choose to live a life with more integrity, authenticity and fulfillment…despite what is happening out “there” by “they.” Remember, you can’t fix something that isn’t broken, because it was made that way. You can’t fight fire with fire. You can become more clever, courageous and contrarian by how you show up, or shall I say “show in,” so what will it be? Will you be swayed in the direction of the pied piper or go your own way?
This is your sign. This is your tower moment. You’ve got this…..go inside.
The Irrational Sage, Angela Morris
Hear friggin' hear ... (quoting) ...
The real inside job is learning to discern and not get sucked into another rabbit hole that takes you away from things that are a better use of your time.
The real inside job is breaking down your own walls to see what has been “hidden inside.”
The real inside job is realizing the duality of this world and cultivating joy, love and beauty despite this knowing.