Mar 2Liked by Angela Morris

Oh, boy. I cannot be begin to describe how much I relate and agree. Wonderful piece!

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Thank you so much, I'm glad to hear someone out there can relate! :)

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Mar 2Liked by Angela Morris

I can relate more than you could possible imagine. My latest post touches on this very subject.

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I just clicked to read your latest post!

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Mar 2Liked by Angela Morris

Thank you for subscribing! There's a lot of stuff on my page I think would resonate.

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"Chaos" in the name lured me in, haha!

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Mar 3Liked by Angela Morris

wow very fitting for where I am at the moment ! I enjoy your view and perspective . thank you for sharing

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thank you for taking time to read and comment, I'm so glad it felt resonate at this time.

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Well said. Where compassion and passion meet. The observable approach in oneself is that equilibrium and a peaceful existence where you can observe your triggers without judgment or shame. This can be done in the moment as if slowing time down. What a gift, what a power we all have that is hidden in the dark, waiting to be let out. I love what you said about how self healing doesn’t have to be this big project done every few years. Once you get the grinding deep work out of the soil, one can observe and acclimate things as they come up. It becomes less draining, if anything it gives you more power.

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Yes! Agreed!

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Angela this is a fantastic piece and I restacked it so others can find it and your work. I can relate so much to this. I did shadow work in 2023 while quitting drinking (I’m 14 months sober now) and it has given me great harmony and power. I still meditate every day and use kundalini (serpent power) aspects, mantras and so forth. Shadow work is prerequisite for the Great Work. Not for the faint of heart, but no hero’s journey is. The beauty of it is knowing once you are on the other side, it is just the beginning of transmuting the Life Force within you. I wrote about my journey on Substack in allegories like “The Well is Full,” “Battle with Set,” “Exit Stage Rite,” and “Should Never Have Left Me Alone.” Archetype and Collective Unconscious by Jung is great. The book that did it for me and which I used was “Shadow Awakening” by Odysseus Andrianos. There is a workbook/homework at end of each chapter so it is practicable and holds you accountable (to yourself). This is a trip! I heard your poem the other day and have read some of your posts (I’m a subscriber) and seen your profile. Something was telling me I’ve seen this woman before somewhere but couldn’t put my finger on it. Then out of nowhere while reading this article it hit me. Was she on Rebunked with Scott Armstrong? I went to check and sure enough you were. Obviously you made an impression. Great work and fantastic writing. I also love how you throw poetry in the mix.

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Hello Chris. Thank you for this thoughtful comment. I appreciate you sharing so much. Indeed, shadow work is often an ever evolving process and the dark night is the trigger that illuminates, a catalyst for healing and bringing to light that with which often holds us in its grasp so tight we feel we cannot escape. Getting to know this in ourselves loosens that grip and gives way for acceptance, balance and the ability to look at it all with a more observable approach than one of self annihilation and doubt. I write about this because I think so many get caught in the web of stories that are self defeating instead of opening the possibilities of their greatest potential and peace. The Great Work is indeed a responsibility, becoming accountable to self and embodying the realness of being our truest most authentic self, which needs balance between the starkness of duality, leaving the one sided thinking and finding an inner equilibrium where compassion and passion meet.

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Mar 3Liked by Angela Morris

I don't know where I am in the process but I can identify it as the spot where there's confusion, lack of understanding, comprehension, and lack of association. I read sections over and over unable to concentrate as my mind was constantly interrupting with "wait, what....but how does this pertain to me, what does that look like, what do you mean". Everything is so fragmented, lacks any linear process, and is devoid of closure. The mental resistance is strong and what's being resisted isn't known. It's a very unpleasant place to be. Having lived a life of self direction and certainty, the chaos and uncertainty is so foreign. I don't know what this thing is but based on the experience, the other side must be amazing.

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Thank you for sharing with such depth Steve. You are not alone. Surrendering to the unknown and finding acceptance through the process is not easy, it's a messy process where control takes a back seat. I'm glad you're here just as you are. Blessings.

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Mar 3Liked by Angela Morris

Thank YOU

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