"When the marketing campaign for Covid scam was launched and fear swept the world, my whole body screamed at me to stop and take notice…. something was off." Ditto.

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This post really spoke to me.. My whole journey, everything I intrinsically knew, yet surrounded by family and friends who fell for it all. in 2020 I made 5 cross country road trips. hardly anyone on the roads, all the rest stops were closed, you couldn't even use the bathroom at a fast food, you weren't allowed in the door.. so gas stations were the only ones.. Most people stopping in these same places were not wearing masks, I even started up conversations with people waiting in line. Back home when I needed to go to the grocery, I carried a little bandana in my pocket but my plan was never to use it. I worried about people confronting me. Some did give me dirty looks but most who looked at me when I smiled at them their eyes squinted so I knew they were smiling back. Those we also did not wear the masks, it was like we purposefully made eye contact so that we could very purposely smile to each other. I decided that no one was going to confront me, and no one did, even though I saw so many people describing terrible confrontations.

We do have the power over our lives, we have forgotten, and we leave things up to those who would control our perceptions with lies that contain FEAR.

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Yes yes yes! I felt so alone. I watched everyone around me mask up and fall in line, including those claiming to be "freedom fighters." I was confronted, even assaulted once, kicked out of establishments....I didn't care what anyone thought of me, I was proud of myself for holding my ground, sometimes I lost my cool, but the more times it happened the calmer I was able to be.

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I expected another „I bought the narrative“-article. Thanks for the nice surprise.

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Welcome. :)

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Well-written, intuitive observations. Thanks for sharing.

You’re not alone.

I was working as a cop in a masquerading college town. People would call 911 on their fellow citizens and local businesses, expecting us to make people wear masks. It was insane. Fortunately, our department was more concerned with upholding the constitution than the will of petty tyrants. I felt embarrassed for my fellow citizens. That was the year I became convinced that the American Empire had run its course.

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Thanks Scott and I can't even imagine what you experienced regarding people calling for help by tattling on one another for not covering their face, it truly was madness. Glad to hear you were more concerned with the right things as I know a lot of cops were happy to try to enforce it. I had a security guard threaten me and grab me then try to fight to get my phone when I tried to film his behavior because he was angry I wouldn't comply. I wasn't even confrontational, I think wearing those things just made people angry because how couldn't it, it's suffocating, literally.

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Thanks for the response. Don’t comply with tyranny!

Geez. Should’ve told Paul Blart that you’d call the real cops if he touched you.

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Jun 16Liked by Angela Morris

So many similarities. Sometimes i wonder who had it worse- those who complied or those who were crucified.

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Hard lessons either one

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I felt traumatized watching people with their masks on. And images of nurses in their gowns and masks injecting people. It's all so horrific and anti-life.

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I agree completely

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