As the world implodes, we must go through the flood…the flood of lies, the flood of information, the flood of melting nations, the flood of losing what made us…
Have you stopped to let the tears go?
Have you grieved what you used to know?
Have you felt the pain of those leaving us….
Chest heaving from too many goodbyes…
Can we adjust?
While eating cold cuts at the church table…
Pretending it all was an accident, suddenly disabled….
A timetable of fables indoctrinated minds into stables...
Where paradigms of consent were enabled…
And funerals of victims of war are on display
Weapons shot straight into their veins…
Because no one would make a fuss…
To upset the status quo……
To stir the pot of remembrance
Can you forgive the treasonous?
Can you walk on water, rise above the consensus?
The normalization of a divided nation…
The desensitization of God’s creation…
The sensationalization of fear automated…
While free will is obliterated…
For lies that are propagated…
And truth is lost in translation….
While hearts are buried in obligation….
Have you stopped to grieve?
We’re swimming in pools of saltwater graves
Mother’s sadness washes us clean
All while we pretend to go about our day
Telling ourselves everything will be ok…
And it will…
if we can reclaim free-will…
And choose a better way…
And free our hearts from the cage…
of freedom locked away…
waiting on us to discover….
the key to peace is on the inside…
not something that can be received by another
And you’re going to have to let the tears go…
And acknowledge what’s staring at you outside the window…
And drink the salt-water of grief as the tears flow…
And let them transform us into a better tomorrow…
Than the one laid out for us by someone else’s manifesto.
To that we must learn to say, NO.
Remember, weeping is art…and you are the artist…don’t hold in what must flow out….
…You’ll never overflow with joy when the cup is still full of unprocessed grief.
With love,
this feels very powerful, like an incantation to bring about a better world.
Great poetical advice on how to navigate this tragic beautiful world. Gotta let those tears flow and let the ocean of emotion wash our griefs away.