A great read on the misuse of AI from Dawn Lester this morning got me thinking about “services” like ChatGPT.
(Dawn’s article is linked here)
If AI is programmed with the same lies that the masses follow along to, then why would anyone believe it suddenly has all the answers.
Like Ask Jeeves, the coolest new fad is an irresistible temptation for those seeking answers and looking for them to fall in their lap.
Even utilizing these services for fun can fuel addiction, misplace curiosity, and often provides the popular answer – the surface – instead of a peek into deeper insight. If Google has censored from its inception, then there is no doubt the new, Just Ask AI, is the perfect segue and cover to keep everyone in line and indefinitely following breadcrumbs without ever getting to the loaf of bread.
In a recent post, I touched on the “cost” of using these services, ones that are driving us into a surveillance state and stealing our data like voyeurs with permission to creep in windows at night (and day) or pirates gathering digital booty from hacking into the overwhelm and frustration of dealing with the digital pressure and constraints at every turn. Freedom wanes in the public domain, dignity dies leaving behind a constant state of humility and the skills needed to problem solve – gain wisdom – truly learn, are left behind in the rapture of minds given over to a quick answer from AI.
I don’t know the full history of ASK JEEVES other than what’s on Wikipedia, but it feels like pre-google preparation and google was the intermediary to Ask AI. (note when I say Ask AI, I am referencing any of these services people are using to ask the machine questions, I’m super technical like that - ha ha)
(Ask.com (known originally as Ask Jeeves) is an internet-based business with a question answering format initiated during 1996)
How fast we’ve come to assume what the robot is feeding us is truth.
How fast we’ve come to assume that something programmed by humans with limited consciousness can be conscious.
How fast we’ve come to the easy button, once again, and firmly pressed it, falling into the seductive trap of shiny object syndrome and fast answers.
Our impatience and inability to sit with mystery and not knowing is a serious problem.
Our naivety and trust in a machine, thinking it must not be flawed, is frankly, dumb. Even the most flawed human carries truth in their soul, has the ability to change their mind and come alive with sparks of insight and inspiration…a Human Being can uncover the truth by reaching into their own spirit and soul….by connecting more deeply with their intuition and nervous system…by sitting in the stillness of their mind and clearing away what is stuck by moving the body as if getting lost in time….by invigorating the senses and learning to hear their messages and signals with more precision and fullness.
Humans are greater than technology once we remember who we are.
The human temple is always healing, helping and guiding us towards the right path. The better we treat it, the greater the ride.
Machines break and are fallible, despite the marketing, propaganda, and promises that it will make life easier and more comfortable…. despite the belief that machines will take over the world…despite the programming in movies and media.
How many times has that QR code not scanned?
How many times has your phone died when you were required to have it for entry somewhere?
How many times has the GPS in your car been wrong?
How many times has that SMART appliance broke only to require purchasing a new one?
How many times have you lost money to digital theft?
How many times has ChatGPT been wrong?
How many times has that SMART phone battery died only to require purchasing a new phone?
How many times have you read something and instantly knew it was not written by a human?
How many times has that SMART meter been wrong only to require paying the bill anyway?
How many times have you seen an image and wondered if it was CGI?
How many times have you sat on hold going through phone prompts to get to a human?
How many times has the computer crashed?
How many times have you been required to accept terms and conditions to use a service?
How many times have you had to opt out of something for which you never opted in?
How many times has the password locked you out?
How many times have scammers tried to bamboozle you via text, email, or hacking an account?
How many times has your data been breached?
How many times has your nervous system been fried from Wi-Fi?
How many times have you felt ill from being around too much radiation….5G, airports, cities?
How many times have you been charged for a subscription you didn’t want?
How many times has the digital world created a nightmare that frustrates the hell out of you?
How many times have you been censored or shadow banned?
How many times has the algorithm fucked up your flow and sent you chasing loopholes?
How many times has YouTube or Television sucked up your time and played with your mind?
How now brown cow? (I had to)
All I’m saying is if you’re going to ask AI for advice, take it with a grain of salt…seriously, because, like Dawn says in her article, it can offer up solutions, yet they can be based on a very wrong premise.
I’ve seen people do some creative and amusing things with the technology, benevolent use and it does have some efficiencies that are undeniably useful.
Yet, asking AI, expecting truth and concrete answers, is like giving your innate discernment over to an illusion, it is not God, and I wouldn’t put your faith in it…. Especially when half the images it produces include multiple fingers and toes, come on now?
Let’s face it, there are some good things about technology but it’s annoying when we give our faculties over to it in a dopamine deluge.
I’m not anti-AI per say, maybe I’m just old school and stuck in my ways because I have a hard time navigating some of it (remember, it is an it). Even texting, it is so time consuming and inefficient to me, a phone call is faster or Telegram where you can type complete sentences more quickly and leave voice memos. Technology short circuits around me, it’s glitchy, I can’t explain it.
One thing’s for sure, the sunrise this morning beaming into my eyes as I grounded to the earth and witnessed the spectrum of colors move through the air is a much more beautiful and fascinating experience than any image, no matter how amazing, spit out by a computer generated machine….lifeforce vs lifeless….it’s a choice that’s going to get harder to make, and discern.
You can ask AI like you could ask Jeeves, but know your why.
What if the NATURAL INTELLIGENCE to those answers is already alive inside of you and all around you when you step out into the natural world and away from the machine programmed to steal your attention and give you the answers it wants you to hear from how it was programmed.
The answers and solutions rooted in truth are not always available via a quick search, that’s what makes them special, that’s where you find wisdom, in the inner search, in the waiting, in the aha moments that only come when you connect with the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE instead of the DIVIDING INTEL.
The healthcare system is primed and ready for your every stat to be available in the cloud…and it’s definitely going to cloud lives, covering them up with more labels and lies…more attempts to scan, record, report …everything linked in an online slave passport that has all your data recorded and your scores dictating orders.
No thanks. I appreciate the offer of AI to write for me, that’s so kind, but I’m capable and my errors give proof that I’m human without needing to click a button to prove it…. it’s our imperfections that are so damn beautiful…and real.
I’ve turned off Siri and all the crap Apple and Microsoft are always trying to automatically install to “help”…it’s so annoying.
Like Jeeves, ChatGPT doesn’t have all the answers. It’s a service, nothing more, don’t turn it into a God.
Please don’t forget about reading books (physical tangible books) and listening to real living men and women share their experiences…be weird that way, especially as the new technology becomes normalized…
I’ve heard the term Cosmic Google and that seems like a better place to log in to, don’t ya think? The transhuman agenda is bleeding through modern conveniences as it merges into a singular source (little s)…where you can upload everything to once place, shop at one place, get your information from one place, can you see where this is going?
I get tired of folks saying, just ASK AI…nah, I’d rather hear what you think instead.
Outsourcing to a false oracle isn’t the way…try Insourcing to your own heart oracle.
May your digital interface be benevolent and your discipline to turn it off be strong,
This seems like common sense. Your article is good. I know common sense is not common any longer. I would never be able to write an article like this because the word "duh" comes to mind. I remember Ask Jeeves. I believe there's a reference to it in early episodes of Smallville. I had forgotten about it until I rewatched it a while back.
I love AI for art purposes, but I still make changes with photo editing programs.
I asked a question from AI today about how steroids affects Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (cause I'm on it currently). It was faster than all my searches on YouTube looking for human answers. But, I would never lean on AI to make life or death decisions. It's usually just a stepping stone to look up more information elsewhere.
I am still in awe that people actually rely on (taking for facts) the answers as if the AI is "thinking" rather than just putting together information (that could be false) it found from somewhere else.
Important article. I said recently regarding wearable technology or any type of tech installed in the body, “I don’t need that eye am technology.” We already have what we need, innate in us.