I don’t think it’s any coincidence that instinct sounds a lot like in-stink because if something smells, it’s an indicator that something is amuck.
Animals operate on instinct. If one of their own is unwell, that makes them a threat to survival and they might be killed or ostracized by the group.
In the accepted ideology of the masses, the same is true, thus one who is brave enough to speak truth, question the status quo or judge righteously (as in call out something blaringly wrong that everyone seems to be accepting by consent of silence), then those people, too, are often censored, attacked, smeared, or condemned in some way.
The irony is, that in those situations, the individuals’ instincts are no longer operating at an optimal level as they, too, would likely share in some of the same concerns, questions, and insight as those they outcast if it was. Group think usually stinks, but there are exceptions outside of mass compliance and into more concentrated, collaborative, exchanges.
We’ve been so conditioned to ignore our senses in society that we can’t see, hear, taste or SMELL what is off, what is right under our nose.
It’s normal to have groups based on shared interests.
A healthy group will create genuine bonds on that shared interest and build connection, more selflessness and giving within the forged relationships. Nuance is welcome.
An unhealthy group will become cultish, creating false bonds on a shared interest that feeds isolation and disdain, selfishness ensues as everyone is focused on what they are getting instead of what they are giving. Nuance is not welcome.
That being said, if you are meeting at a sewing club to sew and you show up with your cross-stitch gear or decide to interrupt the point of the meeting, of course, you might get kicked out of the group.
It’s fascinating really. It’s the time where mutually beneficial and voluntaryist rules can be practiced…where the micro can learn to function so that the macro can, too, regain the experience of living amongst others with free will, voluntary exchange, mutual boundaries, and an understanding to do no harm.
If you want to understand why we don’t need “rulers” dictating what to do, look to groups created voluntarily by individuals wanting to share in community without bowing to it…those who want to participate in building – learning – growing, without being a pawn to someone else’s game…those who recognize the joy that can be found in finding things that we share instead of ONLY focusing on our differences (which is why the divide is so “desired” by those seeking more power and control.)
It's no wonder the 5G and electromagnetic NO(I)SE affects sense of smell, because when you can sniff out the noise, the bullshit and the Babylonian babble, you become “immune” to their propaganda, and no longer need the remedy offered up in a predictable play of problem-reaction-solution.
Oh, and the masks… cover your lie detector so you can’t smell the blatant bullshit…just bury it underneath a sweaty dank cloth of your own exhaled toxins, yeah, that makes a lot of sense….SCENTS…. get it?
If your senses are dulled, then your discernment is likely affected too, especially the olfactory factory.
I remember as a kid being made fun of for my nose, it’s bony and witchy in appearance. It was then I began to realize its benefits and I became the wicked witch during Trick-or-Treat days because I knew something was inherently wrong, not with me and my nose, but with the world-at-large and the stories we’re told. Where evil is good and good is evil, where we’re told to not trust what we see, what we hear, what tastes funny, what sounds too good to be true, even the earth on which we stand…no, they want us wavering on shaky ground so that we can’t see through the ways of the world ever distracting us from center. We have to learn to find calm amidst chaos.
So, remember, THE NOSE KNOWS…ask yourself: What smells funny? What noise is drowning out the truth? What’s suspiciously lurking in a subtle fume of disgust and deceit? What’s pretending to be an ally but secretly wrinkling the nose? Who has a turned up nose, lost in ego, lost humility and grace in the messiness of being human?
Embrace your nose, it’s a powerful tool that helps deflect toxins in the literal and invisible…if something smells suspicious, your instinct, I mean instink, is probably right. 😉 Don’t get caught up in the group thinkstincts …unless voluntarily of your own free will and participation.
Unlike animals, we get to choose to withdraw our attention from those people or situations that have a stench of peculiarity that calls for pause….confront the smell and see if it can be relinquished or alchemized…ostracize ourselves when we know our beliefs have changed from the group we may have once chosen to be part of…and be ok if being ourselves means we get ostracized from the group….it can stink…but we’ve got instincts for a reason.
Don’t forget to smell your own bullshit, too….it’s sneaky sometimes…that lying to ourselves…sometimes the best thing to do is go take a shower and start anew…but first we must realize the stench we’ve become used to and accepting as reality in our lives both individually and collectively…open up the nostrils and begin to purify the breath, body and soul.
Even the pied piper probably knows (NOSE) that a lovely alLuring artificial lingering aroma can bring agreeableness to what otherwise would be considered an odor of distinct unease, the vapor of a viper…and those snakes can be quite convincing.
Like everything, some things are reversed. Manure can help the soil, pollen from a delightful flower can tickle up a sneeze and a skunk is just using its built in defense mechanism as a form of protection. Things aren’t always what they seem and our senses can deceive, but more often than not, they can help us to see.
SCENTS help us make SENSE of things, so take good care of your magnificent nose!
The atchoo is often a clue…at you.
Take a deep breath (please tell me you are breathing through your nose)….what do you smell? Where’s the no(I)se.
May your day be sweetly fragrant, like a bouquet of peonies and your discerning nose be able to distinguish the most nuanced of aromas…the good and the bad,
~ Angela
P.S. Peppermint oil is one of my favorite scents.
P.S.S. Don’t let those pesky emfs get to your nose, mitigate that noise.
P.S.S.S. Are you superstitious about your nose itching? Is it fact or fiction, or both?
Well said !🔥